nProbe™ - An Extensible NetFlow v5/v9/IPFIX GPL Probe for IPv4/v6.
Main nProbe™ Features
Available for Unix (including MacOS X and Solaris), Windows, and embedded environments.
Added layer 7 application visibility (including Skype, BitTorrent, Citrix….).
NetFlow v9/IPFIX support for efficient flow handling.
Added Cisco NetFlow-Lite support (as of version 6.5).
Full IPFIX support: PEN (Private Enterprise Numbers) and Variable length encoding.
Support for IPv4 and v6.
Limited memory footprint (less that 2 MB of memory regardless of the network size) and CPU savvy.
Ability to natively save flows into MySQL and SQLite, as well as text and binary.
Ability to natively dump flows in FastBit format.
Native PF_RING support for high speed flow generation (nProbe™ Pro Unix and above).
Ability to act as flow collector and proxy. All combinations are supported.
Ability to collect sFlow flows and turn them into flows (v5/v9/IPFIX).
Support of detect protocols via DPI (deep packet inspection) and report protocol name in flows for precise collector protocol accounting.
Ability to forge NetFlow interfaceIds based on MAC/IP addresses.